Experience is a Win with the d. Team. We are subject matter experts with over 30 years of experience implementing Human Resources Information Systems around the world.
d. Team services consist of project scheduling, tracking milestones, developing test and contingency plans, managing resources, and ensuring the successful completion of project deliverables.
Orientation services provide a foundation for the core team to better understand the system capabilities of the solution you've purchased before deciding on the specific configuration.
Our d. Team GAP Analysis is intended to identify the desired software design and specific outcomes to meet your company's objectives. Co-Founder, Claire McSorley hosts our larger client GAP Analysis. She's the best!
d. Team are system configurators which includes mapping or re-engineering of business processes that are configured with the toolset of the software solution. This process is comparable to architecting the program.
Training is delivered to the core team using client data with the system configured just before "go-live". The d. Team find training with client data vs. sample data is significantly more effective.
Your d. Team Consultant will provide support for the core project team and supplemental adjustments as the system is transitioned from staging to your 'live' production environment.
The d. Team collect the identified data elements from the client's existing system(s) and converts the data for use in the new system.
We develop inbound and outbound data strategies to seamlessly connect other enterprise applications and services. Typical integrations may include payroll providers, ATS, LMS and benefit carriers.
This pre-production process provides the core team with scenarios and support to facilitate the review and testing of system configuration to ensure a successful delivery of your 'live' system.
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If we find your technology of value, we are happy to support your prospect sales references. d. Team sales references are at a 90% + closure rate YTD.